Clifford Winter Family Fun Night, Dec. 1st 6-8pm


Thursday Dec. 1st, Clifford MUB at 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Join Clifford Families in celebrating the season of ART:

  • The Art of Cookie Decorating
  • Art In Action Art Show
  • Musical Arts: Singing by Elementary students
  • Musical Arts: Middle School Band Performance

Admission is Free to this Clifford Event. Small fee for Cookie Decorating. We will be selling Food at the event.

Noche invernal de diversión familiar en Clifford, 1 de Dec, 6-8pm

El jueves 1 de diciembre en el MUB de Clifford de 6:00pm a 8:00pm

Únanse a las familias de Clifford para celebrar la temporada del ARTE:

  • El arte de decorar galletas
  • Exposición del arte de “Art In Action”
  • Artes musicales: Canciones cantadas por los estudiantes de la primaria
  • Artes musicales: Actuación de la banda de la escuela intermedia

La admisión a este evento de Clifford es gratis. Un pago pequeño por decorar las galletas. Los estudiantes van a vender bocaditos para una recaudación de fondos.

Buy Honey Bear Christmas Tree & Earn 15% of Purchase for Clifford

If you, your neighbors, or your family purchase a Christmas tree at any of the two locations for Honey Bear Trees, Honey Bear will donate 15% of the purchase price to Clifford School.

Just mention Clifford School during your purchase, or even better, print out the flyer (links below) and take it with you!

Come & Get It Gourmet Enchiladas at Clifford

You’re invited to an enchilada lunch. Master cocinero Ricardo Creightón will be on-site with his comal selling hand-rolled, hot, savory enchiladas. Señor Creightón has 40+ years on the “live” food-vending circuit. Don’t miss this special appearance. All proceeds go toward 8th grade graduation activities.

Date: Friday, November 18, 2016 (super-minimum day)

Time: 11:30 a.m.– 1:00 p.m. Clifford MUB

Prices: 1 for $2; 3 for $5

Come & Get It Gourmet Enchiladas de Clifford

Usted está invitado a un almuerzo enchilada. Maestro cocinero Ricardo Creighton estará en el lugar con su comal venta, caliente, enchiladas sabrosos enrollados a mano. Señor Creighton tiene más de 40 años en el circuito expendedoras de alimentos “en vivo”. No se pierda esta presentación especial. Todos los ingresos van hacia las actividades de graduación de 8º grado.

Fecha: Viernes 18 de noviembre de, 2016 (día súper mínimo)

Hora: 11:30 a.m .– 13:00 Clifford MUB

Precios: 1 por $ 2; 3 por $ 5

Super Minimum Days for 2016-2017

The following days will be 11:30 dismissal days.

Friday, November 18 – Friday before conference days

Thursday, December 22 – Day before Winter Break

Monday, March 13 – Friday, March 17 – Spring Conferences

Friday, April 7 – Day before Spring Break

Thursday, April 27 – Open House

Friday, June 2 – Friday, June 9 – Last six days of school

PTO Meeting, Thurs. November 10th – Library

pto_coffee_mugJoin us for the November PTO meeting. We will be discussing upcoming events, hear from our principal about what is new and ongoing at our school, and more. Children are welcome to come and read quietly in the back of the library. As always we will provide a light dinner and much socializing. Come and find out more about our wonderful school.  After the meeting we will be heading to Main & Elm in Redwood City to start off the long weekend.

Junta del PTO, jueves, 10 de noviembre en la biblioteca

Acuda a nuestra junta de la PTO de noviembre. Hablaremos de los eventos que se aproximan, escucharemos a nuestro director hablar sobre lo que es nuevo y lo que sigue igual en nuestra escuela y más. Los niños pueden venir y leer en silencio en la parte de atrás de la biblioteca.  Como siempre, proveeremos una cena ligera y socialización. Acudan y aprendan más sobre nuestra escuela maravillosa. Después de la reunión nos dirigiremos a Main & Elm en Redwood City para comenzar el fin de semana largo.

Clifford Fundraiser Week at Main & Elm

Bring your families and friends to Main & Elm in Redwood City and enjoy a great meal to support Clifford School PTO!

Date: November 7 to 12, 2016

Time: 5:00 to 10:00 PM

Be sure to bring the  flyer that was sent home in your child’s Wednesday folder or tell Main & Elm you are there for the Clifford School PTO Fundraiser and they will donate 25% of the receipts generated to Clifford School PTO!

Semana de recaudación de fondos de Clifford en Main & Elm

¡Traiga a sus familias y amigos a Main & Elm en Redwood City y disfrute de una gran comida para apoyar a Clifford School PTO!

Fecha: 7 al 12 de noviembre de 2016

Tiempo: 5:00 a 10:00 PM

Asegúrese de traer el folleto que fue enviado a casa en la carpeta del miércoles de su hijo o decir a Main & Elm que está allí para la recaudación de fondos PTO de Clifford School y ellos donarán el 25% de los recibos generados a Clifford School PTO!



Box Tops Contest Winners


Thanks to everyone for sending in your Box Tops! Congratulations to the Winners of the Fall Box Tops Collection Contest: 1st Place Ms. Smith’s Class (876 Box Tops), 2nd Place Ms. Curtis’ Class (435 Box Tops), and 3rd Place Mrs. Overbey’s Class (322 Box Tops)!

Please keep the Box Tops Coming In! You can use the collection sheets at BTFE to help keep track of all your clips. Earn Bonus Box Tops while you Shop with the New Box Tops Bonus App! See how it works at BTFE.

Thank you for your support!

Measure U Update

It’s coming down to the end of the campaign and a lot of hard work has gone into passing Measure U. But, we need to make a last push to get this critical school funding renewed! Here’s how you can help:


Of the approximately 30,000 absentee voters only 6,000 have returned their ballot so far. Send in your ballots! Or if you are voting at the polls on Nov. 8, don’t forget to get to the end of the ballot where Measure U is and vote YES!  Please encourage your friends and family to vote as well.


  • Phone banking We phone banking through Monday, Nov. 7, come and help any night.
  • Precinct Walk SATURDAY, NOV. 5th. We’ll be dropping off door tags to targeted homes. No talking to people, just dropping off a door tag.
  • Precinct Walk Packet Prep FRIDAY morning, Nov. 4th. If you have a spare hour to help out, you can help us prepare for the precinct walk.

To sign up for any of the volunteer opportunities, go to our SignUpGenius page.

Medida U Actualización

Está llegando al final de la campaña y se ha dedicado mucho trabajo a aprobar la Medida U. Pero, ¡necesitamos hacer un último esfuerzo para renovar esta crucial financiación escolar! Así es como puede ayudar:


De los aproximadamente 30.000 votantes ausentes sólo 6.000 han devuelto su boleta hasta ahora. ¡Envíe sus boletas! O si usted está votando en las urnas el 8 de noviembre, no olvide llegar al final de la boleta electoral donde está la Medida U y vote SÍ! Por favor anime a sus amigos y familiares a votar también.


  • Operaciones bancarias por teléfono Llamamos a la banca hasta el lunes, 7 de noviembre, venga y ayude cualquier noche.
  • Recorrido del distrito SÁBADO, NOV. 5ª. Vamos a dejar las etiquetas de la puerta a las casas de destino. No hablar con la gente, simplemente dejar una etiqueta de la puerta.
  • Precinct Walk Packet Prep Viernes por la mañana, 4 de noviembre. Si usted tiene una hora libre para ayudar, puede ayudarnos a prepararnos para la caminata del recinto.

Para inscribirse en cualquiera de las oportunidades de voluntariado, visite nuestra página de SignUpGenius.

Casino Night Fundraiser

Get your tickets and come join us for a fabulous night of fun!


We will have food, drinks, and casino games to raise funds for Clifford School PTO at Sparky’s Hot Rod Garage in San Carlos on Friday, November 4th at 6pm.

Silent and Live auction items includes Police Ride Along (your kid gets a ride to school by police officer!), a trip to Las Vegas with $500 script, a weekend getaway to Sonoma, and many more!

Tickets are $50 in advance and $70 at the door.

Need a babysitter for Casino Night? UrbanSitter is offering a discount!

UrbanSitter is a website and app that helps parents find and book their community’s most trusted babysitters and nannies. Here’s the list of sitters Clifford Elementary parents personally recommend: Sign up for free and use code VIPOFFER for a $50 credit towards your first booking, good until November 30, 2016.


We are excited to announce Canyon Inn will do the catering services for Casino Night 2016! The owners of Canyon Inn, Stephanie and Tim Harrison, are Clifford Parents! The Canyon Inn is a family friendly restaurant in the hills of Redwood City.

Chad Carvey will be our esteemed auctioneer, bringing a lot of fun and great energy to the evening!


Portrait of confident man sitting in office

Rim Orthodontics is a Proud Sponsor of Casino Night!  Go Smile Clifford!


It Starts With U!


Did you know that the current parcel tax, Measure W, expires this year? Clifford receives approximately $120,000 each year from Measure W. For the current year, this pays for three part time teachers: two reading intervention teachers and a technology curriculum teacher.

Measure U is on the ballot this November to renew this critical funding that Clifford and all the Redwood City School District schools count on. We need 67% voter support so we are counting on you to make sure we secure $1.9 million annually for our students.

On September, 15, the Clifford PTO voted to donate $5,000 to the campaign to pass Measure U! That is a wonderful show of support from our community, thank-you!

We have a lot of work left to do though, and there are many ways you can help support Measure U, here’s how:

1. Phone Banking. We have two nights specifically for the Clifford community to come and make phone calls in support of Measure U. You will be provided a simple script and be asked to call folks who we think are sympathetic to our cause. We won’t ask you to convince people to support Measure U, just ask them if they support it and give them some basic information.

The Clifford specific evenings are: Monday, October 3rd and Tuesday, October 4th, 6-8:30. The location is WL Butler Construction, 204 Franklin St, RWC.

Special Bonus: After we are done, Roy will buy anyone who attends a drink! He may even bring wine to drink while we phone… If you can’t attend one of the Clifford nights, you can still come on any other available night and help out.

Sign up with SignUpGenius

2. Donate. Running a ballot measure campaign during a presidential election is expensive. We have a lot of potential voters to reach and the mailers we intend to send them are costly. If you can afford to contribute to the campaign it would be appreciated.

Donate to our grassroots campaign

3. Endorse Measure U. You can show your support by endorsing Measure U.

Endorse Measure U

For more information contact the Clifford site leader, Roy Dorling