Final Meeting of the School Year: Thurs, May 21


You are all invited to join us for the last PTO meeting of the 2014-2015 school year.

  • Thursday, 5/21
  • 7PM
  • Library
  • Light meal served

Your kids are welcome to join you and hang out quietly in the Library.

We will be voting on the following items:

  • Bylaw changes. The changes include: approving a budget in May instead of September, contracts for budgeted expenses can be approved by the President or VP and Treasurer, and the responsibilities of the President include preparing a budget to be approved by Exec Board.
  • Unbudgeted expense for this year. Principal Dees has requested that the PTO make a one-time donation of $1,500 to the school to help with costs of the multicultural festival this year. This proposal is supported by the Exec Board.
  • Officers & Standing Committee Chairs for next year. We will also be voting on the people who have been nominated for the various positions
  • PTO Budget for 2015/16. The Exec Board approved a budget that forecasts revenue of $113,300 versus $90,400 estimated for this year. Expenses will rise to $109,000 versus $93,900 forecasted for this year. Net Income will be $4,300 resulting in an ending reserve of $158,000.

Information on the bylaw changes and the budget will be available to review in a binder in the school office.

See you there.

Open PTO Positions: Read All About It

Hi parents,

The Clifford Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is comprised of all parents or guardians, teachers and staff of Clifford School and everyone is automatically a member of the PTO.

Our PTO is a volunteer organization and depends upon the generous work and efforts of our members. We are now planning to fill our officer and committee chairperson positions for next year. We will be excepting nominations for the following positions and will be voting on them at the May PTO meeting on May 21st.

Officer Positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Committee Chairpersons: Fundraising, Communications, Direct Donations, Volunteer Coordinator, Event Coordinator, Enrichment Coordinator, Middle School Liaison, Hospitality, Auditor.

Check out these job descriptions for the open position with the PTO Executive Board, various committees, and other roles! (Or view the information as a PDF here.)

Officer Positions


  • Preside over all meetings of the PTO
  • Prepare each meeting’s agenda
  • Be a member, ex officio of all committees, except a committee to elect the Executive Board
  • Represent the PTO at city-wide meetings or other meetings outside of the organization
  • Assist in the total coordination of all committees and the PTO as a whole
  • Sign checks, notes, etc.
  • Appoint Special Committee as needed
  • Announce PTO meetings to the School population at least one week in advance of that meeting
  • Secure meeting location, time and date
  • Submit amendments to the by-laws; keep By-laws current

Vice President

  • Perform the duties of the President in her/his absence, resignation, or inability to serve
  • Represent the PTO at city-wide meetings or other meetings outside of the organisation
  • Be a member, ex officio of all committee, except a committee to elect the Executive Board
  • Sign checks, notes, etc.


  • Maintain all records of the PTO, including transactions, contracts, correspondence, and related documents
  • Records minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and PTO and forward copies to each Executive Board member within 10 days of the recorded meeting
  • Publicly post the minutes from the preceding PTO meeting; circulate the minutes from the preceding PTO meeting at each monthly PTO meeting.
  • Receive records from the planning of any event hosted by the PTO and maintain them. These records should be kept in a secure location at the school, should be made available upon request by any Committee Chair planning a similar event, and turned over to the next Secretary to hold this position
  • Attend to the official correspondence of the PTO, including, but not limited to, gestures of appreciation and sympathy on behalf of the PTO
  • Hold a copy of the PTO By-laws , Parliamentary Procedures, and current Membership list (School Directory) and make each available upon request to any PTO Member at any PTO or Executive Board meeting
  • Provide a printed copy of these By-laws to each newly elected Executive Board member prior to the first regular PTO meeting



  • Act as custodian of funds and perform all banking activities of the PTO
  • Sign checks
  • Maintain up-to-date, accurate financial records of the PTO
  • Receive all funds of the PTO, including, but not limited to, donations, dues, and fundraising sales and contributions
  • Provide a written and oral financial report of the receipts and expenditures at each PTO and Executive Board meeting and at other times upon request of the Executive Board
  • Audit all invoices and receipts submitted for payment or reimbursement to ensure each request is in compliance with PTO policies. Pay all bills and disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Board
  • Perform the complete and timely filing of all federal and state tax returns as well as other financial reports, pertaining to the PTO’s 501( C)(3) status, as applicable; and maintain accurate records of such
  • Complete all financial updates by the close of the Fiscal Year and provide a full year-end report



  • Act as a liaison between the School and the PTO
  • Ensure that all PTO activities are in accordance with the School policies and procedures


Teacher Representative

  • Act as liaison between the School staff and the PTO


Classified Staff Representative

  • Act as a liaison between the School staff and the PTO


Standing Committees


  • Research options, plans, and anticipated profits and expenses for any fundraising projects and present suggestions to the Executive Board
  • Prepare and execute fundraising projects as approved by the Executive Board
  • Solicit volunteers to assist with each Fundraiser
  • Report all fundraising activities, expenses, and profits at each monthly PTO
  • Maintain records of all contributions
  • Maintain planning records of each fundraiser to pass down to next chair for permanent record keeping
  • Oversee and execute the Saving Programs


Direct Donation Campaign

  • Work collaboratively with Executive Board and Fundraising Chair to secure donations from Clifford Community
  • Maintain records of all contributions
  • Periodically report on electronic or monthly related to the Direct Donation Campaign
  • Maintain records of communication, strategies, and data to pass to next chair for permanent record keeping



  • Work collaboratively with Executive Board to communicate all PTO function and messages to the Clifford Community and promote Clifford School in a positive light
  • Coordinate and/or solicit volunteers to assist
  • Maintain records of all duties, strategies, and data to be passed down to the next chair for permanent record keeping



  • Plan and implement(with Executive Board) all not-for-profit social activities for School students and their families
  • Solicit volunteer to assist
  • Notify the Communication Committee in advance of event dates for Photo and press coverage
  • Maintain records of event, strategies, and data to pass down to next chair for permanent record keeping



  • Plan and serve refreshments at the monthly PTO meetings and other PTO functions
  • Help coordinate the Teacher Appreciation week and New Family Welcome


Volunteer Coordination

  • Publicize PTO positions and recruit volunteers to fill open positions for the upcoming school year
  • Work with the Executive Board and Committee Chairs to prepare a list of open position to be included at meetings
  • Keep database of all members willing to volunteer to help, whether it is chairing a position or volunteering for an event
  • Maintain records of sign-up literature, data, and strategies to pass down to next Chair for permanent record keeping



  • Coordinate educational enrichment programs for students in all grades
  • Solicit and supervise Volunteers to help
  • Work with the Principal and teacher to coordinate events that enhance current curriculum
  • Notify the Communication Committee in advance of event dates for photo and press coverage
  • Write a summary of each event for publication in the newsletter or School website
  • Maintain records of all program literature, strategies, and data to pass down to next chair for permanent record keeping


Middle School liaison

  • Solicit and supervise Volunteers to help
  • Run the Middle School Parent Forums and any other activities and communication between the Middle School, Parents, Staffs, and PTO
  • Report activities of the Middle School Committee to the Executive Board to ensure there are no conflicting program
  • Maintain records of all literature, strategies, and data to pass down to next chair for permanent record keeping


Room Representative Liaison

  • Solicit and supervise Volunteers to help
  • Run the School Parent Forums and any other activities and communication between the School, Parents, Staffs, and PTO
  • Report activities of the School Committee to the Executive Board to ensure there are no conflicting program
  • Maintain records of all literature, strategies, and data to pass down to next chair for permanent record keeping


Finance Audit

  • Made of Three (3) PTO members that do not currently serve on the Executive Board
  • Audit the financial records of the PTO
  • Prepare a fiscal year-end audit report and ensure checks and balances are in place

Lap-A-Thon Time: “Fun in the Sun” on May 8

HappySunMark your calendars for this year’s LAP-A-THON fundraiser: it’s the FUN IN THE SUN RUN, and it’s happening during the school day on Friday, May 8, 2015.

Fitness, prizes, and fun await!


Our students run laps on Clifford’s upper track and they invite family members, friends, neighbors (and so on) to give $$ pledges for every lap they complete.

One class from Kindergarten through 5th grade — and one Middle School homeroom class — with the highest rate of participation will win an ice cream party! Top fundraisers will also be eligible for fantastic prizes, including gift cards at some of your favorite local spots (see list below).

Parents, we need your participation to make the Lap-a-thon a success! Sign up to volunteer on May 8th — or in the weeks leading up to our wonderful fundraising event. To volunteer for one or more different slots, go to the signup page.


  • Rockin’ Jump
  • Jamba Juice
  • Pizza My Heart
  • Sakura 2
  • Peninsula Beauty

If you have questions or need additional information, contact Clifford parent Kathryn Snow using this form on the signup page.

Note: All the money raised goes directly into our PTO-sponsored PE program, which would not be possible without these funds.


Free Dance Performance: Monday, May 4

Dance_artMay The 4th Be With You!

(And apologies to anybody reading this who is not a Star Wars fan!)

You are all welcome to watch Danny G’s dance students perform in the MUB on May 4 — and they will show you all the amazing things they have learned during this (new-to-Clifford) performing arts program.

As one of Clifford’s after-school enrichment programs, Danny G has been teaching twice a week, for 10 weeks, and the students are excited to dance for you. 

4th & 5th grade dancers:

Monday, May 4 

3:15 — 3:45PM (MUB)


No RSVP needed. Just show up — and enjoy!

P.S. We had the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders perform on Wednesday, April 15. The show was outstanding. Bravo.


PTO Meeting, Thursday, April 9

This is one of many designs you'll find among the Clifford School merchandise offerings!

Come on down Clifford families, teachers & staff:

April’s PTO meeting is happening on Thursday evening, April 9 in the library at 7PM.

A light dinner will be served, and your students are welcome to come with you and hang quietly in the library.

For last month’s minutes — and additional archives — view the PDFs here (scroll down the page until you see the heading Scheduled Meetings).

See you on Thursday!


Free Demo Class, 4/9: Intro to Game Development


Digital Monkey School presents a 30-minute free demo class this Thursday: Intro to Game Development. This class will be part of the after-school enrichment programs.

This trial class is for 4th through 8th graders only. Come to the computer lab to learn how to create a computer game.

  • What: Demo class by Digital Monkey
  • When: Thursday, April 9
  • Time: 1:35 pm – 2:05 pm.
  • Where: Computer lab (accessible via Clifford Library)
  • Who: 4th – 8th graders only

The after-school enrichment session starts on April 30 – May 28. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn 3D modeling and animation.

NEW: Mother & Son Event, May 9


We’re inviting Clifford moms and sons to our very first Mother & Son Sports Night.

It’s all happening Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 5:30 to 7:30PM at Sports House in Redwood City.

You do not have to be a sports enthusiast to attend this fun event.

The deadline has been extended to May 1st for purchasing!

Cost: $15 per person (all tickets must be pre-paid). So, for example, if you are bringing your two sons, you will pay $45 — and you need to update the quantity when you check out to “3” tickets.

There are two ways to buy tickets:

  • You can pay using your credit card via the link below (you don’t have to have a PayPal account to pay online). Again, please remember to update the quantity in the PayPal screen, depending on the number of people going.
  • Write a check made payable to Clifford School PTO, and leave your check in the PTO lockbox in the school office — look for a black box labeled Parents’ Club.

Venue information: 

3151 Edison Way,
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 362-4100

Note: You need to complete a waiver to participate. Print out and fill in the form here or complete the waiver at check-in.

See you there, Dolphin Mothers and Dolphin Sons!

Son(s) Name
Mother (or chaperone) Name

Father-Daughter Dance: April 10


Shall we dance?

Fathers and daughters, dance and party the night away at the Clifford PTO’s Annual Father-Daughter Dance. It’s all about music, photos, raffle prizes, crafts & light food.

Please join us on Friday, April 10, 2015 from 6:30PM to 8:30PM in the Clifford MUB/gym.

Tickets are $15 per person: You can buy at the door on the night of the Dance — or you can buy online (see below) using your credit card. You do not need a PayPal account to purchase tickets.

See you there, Dolphin Dads and Dolphin Daughters!

Girl(s) Name
Father (or chaperone) Name

March’s PTO Meeting: Thursday, March 12

This is one of many designs you'll find among the Clifford School merchandise offerings!

You are all welcome to attend March’s PTO meeting on Thursday evening, 3/12 at 7PM in the library.

You can enjoy a light meal while hearing all about the great happenings at our great school.

Your children can accompany you, and hang out quietly in the library (child care is not available, however).

We hope to see you there.

  • What: PTO meeting for families, teachers & staff
  • Date: Thursday, March 12
  • When: 7PM
  • Where: Library