PTO Meeting, Thursday, 1/8

snowflake2Happy New Year & Welcome Back to Clifford families, teachers & administration staff!

The first PTO meeting of 2015 is happening Thursday, January 8, 2015. Everyone is welcome!

We’re meeting at 7PM in the Library.

A light dinner will be served, and your children are welcome to accompany you — and hang out and read quietly in the Library.

Click here to view December’s Agenda (that meeting was cancelled due to the weather and Clifford’s closure at the time).

Revised agenda coming soon! Stay tuned.

See you there!

P.S. Just because the holiday season is over doesn’t mean you’ve stopped shopping, right?! Well, if you frequent Amazon, remember to use this link every time you start shopping, to keep the donations coming directly to the PTO from Amazon Smile. Thank you.


Winter Art Show at the Downtown Library

Clifford’s 2nd Grade students’ collage self-portraits, inspired by painter Paul Klee, are on display in the Redwood City Downtown Library. Find the artwork in the in the Children’s section on the 1st floor.

This library-hosted Art in Action show runs from October through August, and we rotate the artwork from each grade monthly.


We think that a visit to the library would be a perfect outing during the upcoming winter break.

Please come and check out your fellow students’ artwork while picking out your favorite books!

…And then, if you’ve a bit of time to spare, head on over to Peet’s on Laurel Street in San Carlos. Here’s why!

–Kay Rim


Winter Art Show at Peet’s

Do you need a refuge from all this rain?!

Well, go to Peet’s in San Carlos!

We are excited to announce that Peet’s on Laurel Street in San Carlos has a new Art in Action show: You’ll find 1st grade’s “Winter Landscape” paintings inspired by Pieter Bruegel, and 4th grade’s “Swans reflecting Elephants” artwork inspired by Salvador Dali.

Please come and check out our students’ beautiful art on Peet’s walls, while sipping something festive, like a Cinnamon Hazelnut Latte, for instance!

Thank you, Peet’s, for supporting Clifford School — and showcasing our students’ masterpieces.

(Scroll down for a sneak peek!)

See you there.

–Rachel Winmill and Kay Rim

Editor’s note: Massive thanks to Kay Rim and another Clifford parent volunteer who kindly made this Art Show happen; they removed the previous artwork and hung the new artwork on  various wall spaces available at Peet’s– no small job. Heartfelt thanks from the Clifford community!







Related links:

Winter Family Night: Fun Times

Clifford Students’ Masterpieces on Display Downtown!

Clifford Students’ Artwork on Show at Peet’s

Art in Action: Your Students are Ready for Action

Clifford Flower Power at Peet’s!

Spring Artwork at Peet’s by Clifford Painters!

PTO Meeting Thursday, December 11. CANCELLED

Update: The meeting has been cancelled; stay tuned for a rescheduled date.


The 411 on the December PTO meeting:

  • When: Thursday night, 12/11
  • Time: 7PM
  • Where: Library
  • What: The last PTO meeting of 2014, so come on down!

View the Agenda (as a PDF) here.

Check out the archives of meeting minutes here (scroll down to the section, Scheduled Meetings, for links to view the PDFs).

A light meal will be available for everybody, and children are welcome to come and hang out (quietly) in the open reading area of the library.

See you there.

Winter Family Night: Fun Times!

What do you do on a damp, dark, and wintery Thursday night?

Well, you could go watch Elementary School and Middle School students perform, soak up an art exhibit, schmear cookies with mounds of frosting, and strike a pose at a photo booth, for instance.

Actually, hordes of Clifford School families did all those things (and more!) on Thursday, December 4, 2014, during the Winter Family Night.

Night vision: 3rd Grade artwork
Night vision: 3rd Grade artwork

Festive Choirs and an Instrumental Trio
The sweet sounds of 2nd and 3rd Grade students’ voices filled the MUB with their performance of songs including The Sound of Music’s My Favorite Things, Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian song about Christmas), and Frosty the Snowman.

Three 8th Graders––two trombone players and a flutist–took the stage and entertained us with instrumental versions of My Favorite Things, Do Re Mi, and Parade of the Wooden Soldier. These musicians wrapped up the night’s live performances.

Apples to apples: 5th Grade artwork
Apples to apples: 5th Grade artwork

Art in Action Show
The MUB’s walls––and free-standing display boards–were all decked out with beautiful artwork created by Kindergarten through 5th Grade students.

After we feasted our eyes on the landscape paintings, still life perspectives, self-portraits, and starry night scenes, for example, even more Art in Action masterpieces were on show in the Library! What a treat.

Oceanic Life: 1st Grade artwork
Oceanic life: 1st Grade artwork

Sugar Station
Kids and parents alike decorated cookies with creamy frosting and sprinkles. And if that weren’t enough for your sugar fix, piping hot chocolate was also up for grabs to warm your hands (and heart)!

Cool Creatures: 4th Grade artwork
Cool creatures: 4th Grade artwork

Photo Booth & Bead Corner
Instant prints were available at the photo booth. The backdrop: a larger-than-life snowman. And if jewelry-making tickled your fancy, the beading benches offered plenty of supplies to complete a wearable piece!

Fabulous faces: 2nd Grade artwork
Fabulous faces: 2nd Grade artwork

Raffle Excitement
All week long, raffle items were on display in the Library––and tickets were available to buy. Hot commodities included an Xbox, “Principal for a Day,” margarita fixings, teacher babysitting, and a garden basket (made out of a hose!).

What a delightful community event for Clifford families (with a fundraising component!).

Massive thanks to all the parents, teachers, and students who volunteered their time before, during, and after the event. Special thanks to the organizers who made the Winter Family Night happen.

Kindergarten artwork surrounds the big sign!
Kindergarten artwork surrounds the big sign!

Art in Action: School Report

New_AinA_logoGreetings Clifford staff and  families!

Since the beginning of the school year, Art in Action has been making great progress at the Clifford campus. On behalf of the Art in Action team, I would like to thank all the parents and teachers who have generously supported the Art in Action program this year!

We have some terrific details to share. On November 21, we met our goal of delivering at least one lesson to all students in 1st to 5th grade classes. Moreover, we are just 4 classes shy of reaching the next goal: delivering at least 2 lessons to all the classes.

December Art Show

In other exciting news, we are hosting the Clifford Art Show during the Winter Family Event on Thursday, December 4. All the students’ artwork, from 1st through 5th grade, will be on display at the MUB and the Library. We need help with setup and cleanup; please sign up here to volunteer! Thank you!

We are also thrilled to share that Clay lessons are coming up in January 2015, and we might be able to fire the students’ pieces in our own kiln this year. So stay tuned!

If you are interested in teaching or assisting a lesson, it is not too late to volunteer. Contact Kay at for more information.

Room 7 Lesson Report

2nd Grade students in Room 7 —  along with other 2nd graders — enjoyed creating their own collage portrait, inspired by a Paul Klee painting, on November 18. 10 parent volunteers from Rooms 5, 7, & 8 joined forces to make the lessons happen. Thank you so much!

Mrs. Arlene Little, one of the parent volunteers, led Room 7’s lesson for the first time. Arlene did an awesome job leading the students and successfully unleashing their creativity. Thank you, Arlene.

“It was amazing to have the chance to spend time with the class and observe their creativity and excitement first hand,” Arlene recalls. “It’s clear that Art in Action is something the kids really value and benefit from. I’m looking forward to teaching my next lesson!”

Here are some photos of Room 7 friends proudly holding their self-portraits.




Ongoing Mission

Art in Action lessons are possible because of all those parents who volunteered their time to lead or assist in class. We hope to continue providing such a meaningful learning experience to Clifford students (1st to 5th grade classes). Please join us in such a fun and meaningful program! Again, reach out to Kay at to sign up.

I would like to end my report by sharing an inspiring quote from the Art in Action website:

“A Culture of Art that is present in their schools creates renewed energy —not just among the students, but also amongst the teachers, parents and administration. Some of the more difficult learners open up and become leaders — finding a place of pride and accomplishment that bleeds over into the rest of their schoolwork.”

–Kay Rim


Related links:

Winter Family Night: Fun Times

Clifford Students’ Masterpieces on Display Downtown!

Clifford Students’ Artwork on Show at Peet’s

Art in Action: Your Students are Ready for Action

Clifford Flower Power at Peet’s!

Spring Artwork at Peet’s by Clifford Painters!

Kindergarten Corner: Halloween Memories


Clifford’s youngest students were excited about their first Halloween at Clifford! The kids arrived at school in costume and had a great time seeing what their classmates were dressed as.

Elsa from Frozen was, by far, the most popular choice amongst aspiring princesses! Ninja turtles and Star Wars characters were also spotted, amongst many other fun choices!

Families were invited to the Kindergarten costume parade and the Halloween party that followed.

Thanks to the teachers and parent volunteers who made this day such an enjoyable and memorable event!

–Ann Richards

A grand pirate and a walking skeleton
A grand pirate and a walking skeleton


Two royal princesses
Two royal princesses


Holding court while feasting on treats
Holding court while feasting on treats


Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa


Rocky Balboa, Knight, Magician and Sir Lancelot
Rocky Balboa, Knight, Magician and Sir Lancelot


Clifford PTO Gets Donations: Use Amazon Smile to Shop!



Hi Clifford families,

The holiday shopping season continues. If you’re still shopping, read on:

Did you know that Amazon has a great program where it gives 0.5 percent (on most purchases) back to the Clifford School PTO?

You shop on Amazon, as normal, but you need to start shopping via this link. The Amazon Smile program works a bit like eScrip: If you make your Amazon purchases through the Amazon Smile portal, Amazon will give back this small percentage of what you spent to the PTO.

What you need to do: The first time you land on the Amazon Smile page, you’ll be asked to enter the organization where you want the portion of your $$ shopping amount to be donated: Clifford PTO is registered as “Clifford School Parents Club” in Redwood City. So make sure you enter Clifford School Parents Club. When it appears in the search results, click Select.

And start shopping!

Continue to use the Amazon Smile landing page from here on out; you won’t have to identify Clifford School Parents Club each time.

Now is a great time to get registered — with the holiday shopping frenzy.

For more info, check out Amazon’s Frequently Asked Questions page regarding Amazon Smile.

Thanks for supporting the Clifford School PTO.



Winter Family Night: December 4



Come join us for a fun family night in the Clifford MUB.

Thursday, December 4th from 5:30 – 7pm.

You’ll find crafts and cookie decorations at $1 each. Enjoy student performances from various grades, which will begin at 6:30PM. And you can look forward to a raffle as a wrap-up to the evening.

Raffle tickets go on sale December 1st for $5 each. You can buy your tickets in the library before and after school, so you can select the wonderful raffle prizes you want to enter for.

Raffle Prizes include:

  • Xbox One Video Game Console
  • Principal For a Day
  • Fitbit basket
  • Movie Night Basket
  • Tea Basket
  • Christmas Baking Basket
  • Italian dinner Basket
  • Margarita Basket
  • Date Night Basket
  • Wine Basket
  • …..and More!

See you there.

Kindergarten Corner: Gardening Times

In mid-October, a few moms arranged for kindergarteners to have some fun garden time in the Clifford School Garden.

Our school’s littlest students learned about tending a garden––and how vegetables grow!

After a few weeks, we’ve already spotted a few little sprouts popping up from the carrot seeds we planted.

The hope is that we will be able to harvest them in the New Year, and have a carrot-eating party!

Stay tuned for more reports from Kindergarten parents!

–Ann Richards


Related link (with photos): Clifford School Garden: Fruits of our Harvest