Principal Phil Lind Tribute

Principal Phil Lind, after years of selfless service to Clifford School since 1988, is moving to a new job in the district office next year. Recently The Dolphin had an opportunity to record some of his reflections about his years at the school:

What led you to become an educator?
I actually had bit of a journey. I attended Stanford University from 1969 to
1972 and then left college. I was involved in the anti-Vietnam War and the
civil rights movement as it was unfolding then. I met my wife while working
for the Mayoral Campaign of Bobby Seale (Black Panther fame) when he
ran for Mayor of Oakland in 1974. My wife and I, along with a group of
other friends started a child care center in San Mateo and, affiliated with
the Black Panthers, we called it Intercommunal Survival School. Its
purpose was to help families “survive” and thrive economically. We
received funding from foundations, at first. In 1978 we applied for and were
accepted as a contracting agency with the California Department of
education. The funding for the school is exactly the same as the Redwood
City Child Development Centers.It is still in existence today and Betsy and I
are members of the Board of Directors.

In 1980 I returned to school and earned my BA at SFSU in 1985 and my
teaching credential in 1987. After 14 years working at the child care center
my wife and I decided on a change of careers – I got my job at Clifford, with
the Redwood City School District in 1988 and have been at Clifford since
then. I taught first grade in room 8 for seven years. My wife became a
minister in the United Church of Christ.

What spurred your transition from teacher to Assistant Principal and
During my years teaching first grade I became a union negotiator for the
Redwood City Teachers’ Association. People began to look to me for
leadership. After 7 years in first grade I was ready for a change and a
position was available at Clifford in 5th grade. Just as I was going to ask
the Principal (Norma Smith at that time) he moved another teacher into that
position. So I decided to take the administration courses to get my Admin
credential. That was the year that the decision was made to move Clifford
from a K/6 to a K/8 school. So in August, the Asst. Principal at 1/2 time
opened and I applied. So that meant I was half administrator and half
teacher – and I taught 7th grade social studies two period a day. As the AP I
sat on the Committee in charge of the transition from K/6 to K/8. So I was
part of the group that spearheaded that change.

What was one of your most difficult challenges at Clifford?
During my time as Asst. Principal, money flowed into the school and we
had money for Reading Recovery, for our Magnet Theme of Marine
Science. We had a full time Computer teacher and a 1/2 time counselor/
outreach. When I took over as principal after 3 years the money began to
go away. The most difficult challenge is meeting the needs of all students
with a terribly constricted budget.

What was your most inspiring moment as a teacher?
The most inspiring experience that a first grade teacher has is the moment
that a students suddenly realizes that he/she can read. The child moves
from looking at letters and trying to figure out the sounds associated and
one day looks at letters and says the words. That is magic.

What would you tell kids?
It is critical for you to stay in school as long as possible. Your future earning
power will be directly related to your level of education. Economic
downturns cause the less educated to suffer the most job loss. Stay in
school and learn as much as you can.

What would you tell parents?
Bring your child to school every day and on time. Studies show that student
who miss as little as 10 days of school miss instruction that will not be
made up. Coming late to school builds habits that interfere with learning.

What is your next step?
I will work for a few years at the district office and help families and
students make better choices for the future. I will also be providing
Principals with the data they need to use with teachers to improve
instruction for students in all of the Redwood City Schools.

I may have a book in me describing the crazy antics of many middle school
students, I have a lot of stories about silly decisions that kids make that get
them into difficulties.

Thank you Phil!

Bring in Lap-a-thon Pledges This Week

“Lots of Laps” were run at the “LOL” Lap-a-thon, held last Friday! It was a perfect, sunny day and Clifford “spirit” was high!

Now, it is time for your student to collect and bring in his/her pledges! Every pledge counts! Please sponsor your student and help them collect from their other sponsors.

Every student that brings in even ONE pledge will get a coupon for a free scoop of ice cream at Young’s Ice Cream & Candy Bar in RWC!

Pledges are due by Tues., May 29, in order to be considered for the awesome raffle prizes. Extra pledge forms and envelopes are available in the office.

Thank you for supporting your Clifford student!

PTO Meeting Notes (May 17 meeting)

This is the last PTO board meeting of the school year. We are saying good-bye to all the current board members (President Marilyn Ezrin, Co-Presdent Alpa Bhas, Treasurer Kim Faus and Secretary Karyl Hoke) and hello to the new ones (President Christina Sullivan, Vice President Tia Knuedler, Secretary Gail Blomstrom, and co-Treasurers Barbara Larson and Heather Maire).

  • At last month’s meeting, the board and parents voted to approve the name change from Parents Club to PTO.
  • Marilyn Ezrin and Christina Sullivan will be rewriting the Clifford PTO Bylaws during the summer.
  • There are still many PTO positions that need volunteers for the next school year. If you are interested, please contact Christina Sullivan at
  • For the next school year, Elaina Pitre has volunteered to handle the Emergency Bags that each child needs to provide their teacher. These bags are used in case there is an emergency while the students are at school.
  • The Clifford Multicultural Festival is on Friday, June 1. They still need a lot of volunteers and donations. If you can help, go to the top of the PTO website and click “Multicultural Festival” or contact Valerie Bioc at (650) 465- 9180 or
  • Dione Smith (1st grade Teacher) has requested that the PTO fund or partially fund an anti-bulling assembly with Jim Wilkins for the next school year. Christina Sullivan will look into the possibility.
  • Lap-a-thon is May 18th
  • Come Out and Play is May 24th (need volunteers)

LOL: “Lappin’ out Loud” (Lap-a-thon 2012!)

The Lap-a-thon is a FUN way for our students to celebrate school spirit and make money for our school! Students will participate during the school day on Fri., May 18, running or walking laps for 20-30 minutes. Each lap around the field means important $$ for Clifford!

Your student should have brought home a blue pledge form; please sponsor them and encourage them to get other sponsors as well. There are great incentives and raffle prizes for students who bring in even one pledge! See your blue pledge form for details.

Extra pledge forms and envelopes are available in the office, or you can download one here. All pledge money is due by Mon., May 28.

Thanks for participating in and supporting this important fundraiser!

Moms & Margaritas

Soon it will be the merry month of May!

And it’s about time we celebrated the end of the school year and our accomplishments. So mark your calendars for the ultimate ladies’ night out, organized by the Clifford PTO: Señoritas ‘n’ Margaritas.

On Saturday evening, May 5, come out to enjoy unlimited margaritas, non-alcoholic beverages, and an authentic dinner feast.

Grab a friend (or three), meet new moms, and soak up the fun at a fiesta you won’t want to miss!

Sat., May 5
Casa de Chad
953 Edgewood Road in Redwood City

$50 per person

There are still a number of tickets available (with a 50-person maximum); pay via PayPal below:

Guest Name 1
Guest Name 2

PTO Meeting Minutes – April 12 Meeting

  • Mr. Lind requested an increase in the funding for Outdoor Ed for this year. There was a need for more scholarships. The PTO agreed to increase the amount from $1000 to $2276.
  • Mr. Lind addressed the need for an additional middle school teacher. He is asking the PTO to fund half the salary and Clifford will pay the other half. Budget cuts eliminated the Explorative position (art, drama, Spanish) many years ago and it also effects the scheduling of students since there are only 6 periods instead of 7. The PTO has enough in its reserve to cover the $40,000 cost. It was approved.
  • Kim Faus gave us an update on the budget. Total Income is budgeted to be $113,450 and actual is $99,270. Total Expenses is budgeted to be $110,167 and actual is $103,170. We still have 2 fundraisers that will be happening in May (Lap-a-thon and Multicultural Day) which will bring in additional income.
  • If you are interested in helping with Measure W (Parcel Tax) you can go to the website ( You can volunteer to help with the phone banks, or order a lawn sign that says “Yes on Measure W”. Click on the Get Involved link.
  •  Bunnie Morrow – The auction raised $21K.
  •  Multi-cultural Day. Had 31 auditions for 10 spots. Are trying to group some of the same acts together so more students can perform. This years event will include: carnival games, dunk tank, bull riding, bouncy house, obstacle course, pie eating contest. Will set up “Volunteer Spot” website so parents can sign up to help. Need 60 volunteers for interactive games. Mrs. Torres will try to get some ELAC parents as volunteers.
  • The cooking class for 7th & 8th graders was a great success. It is free to students and offered after school. Being brought to Clifford by Common Roots, a non-profit organization that helps with our garden. There will be school garden classes being offered soon for Kindergarten through 6th grade. Sign up sheets are in the office.
  • The lap-a-thon is May 18th. This year’s theme is LOL (Laughing Out Loud). Each participant that gets at least 1 pledge will receive a free ice cream from Young’s. Need volunteers. Contact Claire Cosentino.
  • Elections were held for the new PTO board. President: Christina Sullivan, Vice President: Tia Knuedler, Secretary: Gail Blomstrom, co-Treasurers: Barbara Larson & Heather Maire
  • Dates: May 10th – Come Out & Play
  • May 15th – next PTO meeting at Canyon Inn
  • May 22nd – Middle School Parent Workshop

Traffic Appreciation: Week of April 16

In case you missed the visuals, Monday, April 16, kicked off a week of  gratitude devoted to a stellar team of volunteers: Clifford’s crossing guards. Thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping our kids safe and for easing the flow of traffic––usually with big grins on your faces! We thank Nanette Silverman, Bunnie Morrow, Tia Knuedler, Sam Faus, Maria Moreno,  Maria Martin, and Billy James. Parents and teachers are devising ways to thank these team members all week––with adorable signs, freshly-baked scones, other goodies, letters, and more.

May the (traffic-calming) force always be with you.

Site Council Reps Needed for 2012-13!

Site Council is a committee made up of representatives from the staff and the parent community; six representatives from each of these two groups make up Clifford’s Site Council. Clifford’s Site Council meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm in the Clifford Library. It is a two year commitment. Site Council oversees implementation of the SPSA (a document guiding program at Clifford School) and votes on allocation of site funding.

The end of this school year finds us with four open parent positions. If you are interested in representing the parent community, please contact Shannon Cody, Phil Lind, and/or Carla Torres.

The parent community will be asked to vote on the reps via the next Communicator. Keep an eye out for candidate bios and your chance to vote.

Thank you,
Shannon Cody
Site Council

Thank you to our current parent reps, Kathy Goodin and Tara Weissmann, who will continue to serve, to Laura Bauer for serving this past school year, and a HUGE thank you to both John Simpson and Craig Silverman for their many, many dedicated and effective years of Site Council service.

Father-Daughter Dance 2012 (April 13)!

This year we will be holding the annual Father Daughter Dance on April 13 from 6:30 – 9:30pm in the MUB. Tickets will be $15 per person and can be purchased via Paypal (see below) or at the door on the night of the dance.

The theme for this year’s dance is Masquerade Ball and all of the girls will have the opportunity to decorate and wear their own masks. We are going to do things a little differently this year and have food at the event as well as cupcakes, so no need to eat dinner before the dance! We will also have the photo booth again this year and raffle off some fun Father Daughter prizes!

If you would like to donate food or prizes or have any questions, please contact Crystal Meyer.

Girl(s) Name
Father (or chaperone) Name