Traffic Guards Save Lives – Be a Clifford Hero!

Traffic guards around Clifford are necessary to keep our students, staff and families safe. Currently, the traffic team is short one of its members and the loss has been felt by anyone picking up in the afternoon. Luckily, school staff and administrators have stepped in to help. Even Mr. Lind has been spotted with a stop sign!

If you have some time at drop-off or pickup, please think about volunteering to help with traffic. It is a vital job to keep everyone safe and traffic moving well. Please contact Nanette Silverman.

Clifford School Play Audition Sign-Ups

This year Clifford School will be partnering with San Carlos Children’s Theater to bring to life the classic tale of Belle (Beauty and the Beast), who yearns to escape her small-town life but who gets more than she bargained for when she becomes a captive in the Beast’s enchanted castle.

Dancing flatware, frightening wolves and singing furniture will light up the stage in this cherished fairy tale about very different people finding hidden strengths in one another through unexpected transformation and love.

  • Acting & Singing Auditions (Grades 3-8): Mon. Nov. 14 and Weds. Nov. 16, from 3:00 to 6:00pm (in Clifford Rooms 28 & 29)
  • Dance Auditions (Grades 3-8): Thurs. Nov. 17, 1:45pm & 2:45pm (in Clifford MUB)
  • Ensemble registration (K, 1st & 2nd): no audition needed

Register for any of the above here. Everyone who auditions will be cast!

Fathers Club Report & Next Meetup

The first ever Clifford Fathers Club event on 10/15/11 was a blast and an overwhelming success! Everyone learned something: the kids all applied thinset, used a trowel, layed tile for their mosaics, and brought home raffle prizes–everyone won a little something. Some even won some beautiful marble cheese plates, too! Thanks to all the dads who participated and brought their kids to have some fun too.

The next event will be an informal gathering of JUST DADS this time; I’m reading a great book and I thought a book review and dinner would be a fun event. (I highly recommend this book!)

  • EVENT: Clifford Father’s Club
  • AGENDA: If you’ve read, or are in the process of reading, or would like to read In The Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larson–I’d like to set a dinner gathering to discuss the book over dinner & drinks.
  • DATE: Mon., Nov. 28
  • TIME: 7-9:30pm
  • PLACE: Canyon Inn, 587 Canyon Road, Redwood City

Please RSVP by Nov. 21, to Tom Sperow via email.

If you dads out there have any suggestions of what kind of events or workshops you’d like to see in the future, please email me with suggestions. Volunteers are always welcome too!

Help for Val Dixon, Longtime Employee of Neighborhood Kids Corner

Following the tragic death of Val’s husband, Danny, many in the Clifford School community wanted to provide support to her in any way possible. To help with the many unexpected expenses, a bank account has been set up for Val with First Republic Bank in Redwood City.

Checks should be made out to Val Dixon. Write “SV -4460” somewhere on your check. It can then be dropped off or mailed directly to the bank.

If you would prefer to leave a check at the school, place it in the locked PTO box in the front office to the far right as you walk in the front door. It will be deposited in the account or forwarded to Val directly.

Please send any questions to Ruth Brosius.

Spa Day!

A big thank you to our very special Kindergarten teachers who have been working tirelessly to get their rooms ready for the students!

The Kindergarten parents got together on Mon., Oct. 17 to support these overworked teachers with a special lunch and “spa day.” The teachers were surprised to enter the teacher’s lounge and find it transformed into a “spa.” Professional pedicurists were brought in for hot-stone foot massages and lovely pedicures. The teachers also enjoyed a delicious lunch and lovely cards and a poem.

A special thanks goes out to all of the parents that helped to make this day amazing and to the Clifford teachers and staff who helped in this event.

To Our Kindergarten Teachers:

You started this year with our children’s excitement and uneasy tears,
But that kinder drama you have seen through the years.
And just as it all started to settle into place,
You received a surprise and a red bump on your face.
There was a mysterious biting menace playing a game,
Who wasn’t spotted, smelled and even the doctors didn’t know its name.
This tiny but mite-y emptied your rooms & flipped your world upside down.
Yet you kept our children happy and secure, without donning a frown.
Long weekends and late nights you have labored away,
Unloading and reorganizing- and we are sure you are tired today.
The words thank you truly come from deep in our hearts,
And we wanted to show our appreciation even in little parts.
So please take a calm moment to find peace and relaxation,
Even though what you really deserve is a major vacation!!!

Our deepest gratitude,
The kindergarten children and parents.

Thanks for Attending the Meeting!

A big thank you to everyone who attended our last PTO meeting. As PTO co-president, I greatly appreciate the effort made by more than 60 parents to come out on a work/school night and take an interest in what is happening at Clifford. Some came alone, some came with spouses, and some came with kids. The room was filled with energy and enthusiasm.

I want to highlight two big changes that took place at this last meeting.  First, Stephanie Freumeni (a first grade parent) has volunteered to act as translator for the PTO meetings.  On her own time, she borrowed translation headsets from the district office. In real time, Stephanie translated the meeting and and Spanish-speaking parents were able to actively participate  by wearing the headsets and hearing what was being said.  This is an amazing step for our PTO that we are very proud of.  Second, Susan Dazols, our new hospitality chair, created a feeling of warmth and belonging as she welcomed parents into the MUB.  She also organized a Halloween themed food spread with yummy home baked desserts.   This also gave parents an opportunity to volunteer to make a plate of brownies or cookies and take an active role in the PTO.  We all appreciated the work.

If you missed the meeting, please check out the meeting minutes.  We’d love to see you at next month’s meeting on Thurs., Nov. 10, at 7pm in the MUB.  Our goal is communication, enthusiasm, and surprises…

Gift Wrap Fundraiser Ends Mon., Oct. 24

We hope you received the new Charleston Wrap catalog last Wednesday, Oct. 5.  Clifford School will get 50% (wrapping paper) or 45% (magazines, home, & kitchen products) of your purchases.  Friends and Family not in the area can even order online and support Clifford.  Giftwrap orders will be delivered to student’s classroom or Home Room by the second week of December.

Questions? Contact Kari Smith at or Valerie Bioc at

First Clifford Father’s Club Event (Sat. Oct. 15)

Dads…please meet and join Thomas Sperow, Father’s Club Chair, for a tile-laying workshop for the dads & bring your kids!! (min. age: kindergarten age)

While engaging your children and having fun, you will learn a valuable craft and the kids will learn about same through a mosaic art project.  Learn the professional way to lay your DIY tile project and teach the kids math principles while you’re at it. And don’t forget to have fun too

WHERE:  211 Buckeye St., Redwood City (cross street is Shasta)
Saturday, Oct. 15
  10am – noon

There will be coffee and donuts.  The cost for this workshop will be a $20 donation which includes raffle tickets for some great door prizes!   (Proceeds benefit Clifford PTO!)

Also lease contact Tom at if you’d like to volunteer for set up at 9:30 am!

Update on Kindergarten Classrooms and Daycare

I am writing to provide on update on all the actions we have taken in the last few weeks since 30-35 kindergarteners developed a rash that appeared to be caused by some type of bug bite.  We want to make sure that you are aware of all the aggressive steps we have taken to get to the bottom of this problem and keep your students safe and healthy.

Below is a summary of the steps we have taken toward three critical goals:

1. Minimize exposure to possible sources of the rash.

  • Contacted San Mateo County Health department who advised that all affected students should see a health care professional
  • Moved all kindergarten students and an after-school class to temporary classrooms on the other side of campus.
  • Fenced off the entire area to provide a barrier between students and work being done by contractors.

2. Run tests to figure out what is causing the rash or bug bites:

Test Result
Installed monitoring boards in all classrooms and in the play structure area to detect possible bug infestations. Results not in yet
San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement set CO2 traps to test for mosquitoes and gnats. No mosquitoes or gnats detected.
Samples were taken from 4 different areas and 4 samples from each area in the classrooms and 8 samples from the bark fill (shallow and deep) on the playground and were sent to a lab for testing. Results negative for Insects or insect parts.
Sent District tree specialist to look at trees and shrubs in playground. No bug infestations detected.
Brought in Entomologist (insect specialist) from U.C. Davis. Results not in yet.
Brought in a dog trained to sniff for bedbugs. No bed bugs detected.
Placed rat trap houses in area. Ongoing monitoring, none detected.
Attic area above classrooms inspected for rodents. No rodents or rodent droppings detected.

3. Remove and replace all materials that could possibly be the source of the rash, disinfect all hard surfaces.

  • Boxed up all stuffed animals and other soft materials from 4 classrooms and transported to a thermal freeze dry chamber to kill any possible germs or bugs.
  • Flooring removal in classrooms is in process; new flooring to be installed beginning Wednesday.
  • Furniture to be disinfected and re-installed inside classroom when flooring is completed
  • After flooring is installed and disinfection is completed, room contents will be brought back and reinstalled in classrooms with teacher supervision.
  • Trees on campus and hillside will be thinned out.
  • Bark from around play structure will be removed and entire play structure disinfected.

As you can tell from the summary above, we still do not know what caused the rash. Your students health and well-being is our top priority, and we are doing everything we can to solve this mystery.   Once all test results are in, we will let you know the results.

In the meantime, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Phil Lind, Principal