PTO Meeting, 10/8/2020 @ 6:00pm

PTO Meeting Tonight, 10/8 @ 6:00pm
Join PTO at 6:00pm to discuss future plans. We will meet virtually on Zoom. To view the agenda, click on this link and scroll down to the 2020-2021 meetings.

Topic: PTO October Meeting
Time: Oct 8, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Special Board of Education Meeting, Wed 7/15 @ 6:00pm

Next Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 6:00pm, the school district will present the plan for the 2020-21 school year. Participate in the meeting on Zoom: rcsd)

Webinar ID: 972 2054 5555
Password: rcsd

View the Power Point Presentation here under agenda item 8.1.

Here are the details about the district’s plan: “Redwood City School District (RCSD) has been working since May on the Roadmap to Reopening My School plan for the 2020-21 school year. A districtwide steering committee, composed of several subcommittees, was created for this work with parent engagement throughout the process.

There’s no question that the global pandemic has created immense challenges for schools throughout California, across the nation, and around the world. Every school and school district have struggled with planning for 2020-21 under these difficult circumstances. Because every organization is unique, different educational institutions will be making different choices. Unfortunately, there are no perfect solutions.

Both RCSD models that were carefully and thoughtfully planned have many pros and cons, and some choices will be better for some family situations than others. In the end, based on the feedback collected from parents, our facilities and district logistics, and public health guidelines, our steering and subcommittees concluded that the models described in this presentation are the best fit for RCSD come the 2020-21 school year.

The subcommittees used guidance from both the San Mateo County Office of Education as outlined in the San Mateo County Pandemic Recovery Framework for Schools as well as the California Department of Education’s Stronger Together: A Guidebook for the Safer Opening of California’s Public Schools to build the plan. Both documents provide California school districts with the health, education, and legal guidance needed to develop local plans for the safe reopening of school facilities. The models include the implementation of safety protocols according to the Step by Step Approach and the Four Pillars from the San Mateo County Office of Education: Health & Hygiene, Face Coverings, Physical Distancing, and Limiting Gatherings.

The models to safely reopen RCSD school campuses for 2020-21 could not have been planned without our supportive parent community. Our parents know our district well–our strengths as well as our challenges. They have been engaged in this process since the very beginning participating in surveys and asking questions during our virtual community presentations in June. We also received emails that were sent to the Board and the Superintendent. I am grateful for their time in being part of this process and I also thank teachers and staff for the many hours they committed to our plan.


active kids
Let’s celebrate and support Clifford by moving our bodies!!!

MAY 18 – MAY 22, 2020

To replace our annual school Lap-A-Thon fundraiser, we propose a fun way to raise money for our school by staying active and healthy. Clifford’s PTO challenges you to ask friends and family to support your child in our annual fundraiser. Your student will commit to daily activities. Donations of any amount are welcome.

Examples of activities to participate in during the fundraising week include: bike riding, jumping rope, running, walking, playing hopscotch and hiking.

Donations can be made using PayPal button below or made out to “Clifford PTO” and mailed to Jennifer Erskine (PTO President) at 233 Warwick Street, Redwood City, CA 94062

Thank you for helping to fund PE+ and the Middle School PE Teacher! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.


Celebremos y apoyemos a Clifford moviendo nuestros cuerpos!!!


 Para reemplazar nuestra recaudación de fondos anual de Lap-A-Thon, proponemos una manera divertida de recaudar dinero para nuestra escuela manteniéndonos activos y saludables. La PTO de Clifford te desafía a pedir a tus amigos y familiares que apoyen a tu hijo en nuestra recaudación de fondos anual. Su estudiante se comprometerá con las actividades diarias.

Donaciones de cualquier cantidad son bienvenidas.

Ejemplos de actividades para participar durante la semana de recaudación de fondos incluyen: paseos en bicicleta, saltar la cuerda, correr, caminar, jugar la rayuela y hacer senderismo.

Las donaciones se pueden hacer a través del enlace de PayPal en
la PTO de Clifford o enviar por correo a

Jennifer Erskine (Presidenta de la PTO)
233 Warwick Street, Redwood City, CA 94062

¡Gracias por ayudar a financiar PE+ y el profesor de PE de secundaria! Sus contribuciones son muy apreciadas.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update 3/10/2020

Dear Clifford Families and Staff,

As you learned yesterday evening from Superintendent Baker, starting today, March 10, 2020, all non-essential activities and gatherings, taking place outside of instructional time, have been canceled in our district for the next four weeks. Superintendent Baker met with his Cabinet yesterday and they have reached this decision to avoid proximity and to help all of us and our students stay healthy. Our district’s decision comes after the San Mateo County Department of Public Health made the recommendation late last week.

This suspension of non-essential gatherings and activities includes all gatherings with more than 20 individuals that cause participants to be in close proximity, which includes all school and district-sponsored activities taking place on and off campus. In addition, volunteers are not able to be on our school campus for the next four weeks.

Because the Family Dance and Science Night, fall under this category, I am afraid that we will need to cancel these activities. However, the 5th grade outdoor education field trip will still continue per the County Office of Education.

Here is Clifford’s list of canceled/not permitted activities for the next 4 weeks: 

  • In Person Parent/Teacher Conferences (will be held by phone)
  • Assemblies
  • PTO Coffee on Fridays
  • Science Night
  • Family Dance
  • Festivals
  • Field trips
  • Fundraising events such as auctions
  • Meetings involving individuals from across the school district
  • Overnight excursions (with the exception of Outdoor and Environmental Education. 5th Grade)
  • PTO and family meetings
  • Potlucks or any gatherings involving food or drinks
  • School performances
  • Healthy Cities Tutoring
  • Project Cornerstone
  • Art in Action
  • All volunteers, including parent volunteers, should not be on campus for the next four-weeks.
  • No School Tours
  • Professional learning conferences that require employees to travel
  • SEAL Training

Programs Continuing at this time:

  • IEP meetings/504/and SST may continue
  • Before and After Care NKC- Protocol to be followed*
  • After school enrichment programs- Protocol must be followed*
  • ELAC/SSC Can continue with less than 20 people in attendance
  • School Board Meetings
  • Staff meetings
  • Small group reading/math intervention classes with teachers
  • Planning Meetings

*School Protocols for Daycare NKC/Enrichment and school day operations:

    • We will encourage students to eat outdoors
    • Students should be washing hands:

Before and after breakfast and lunch

  • Before and after recess
  • Before and after visiting the library
  • Any time they come in from outside

Please Remember to: 

  • Stay home when sick.
  • Remain at home until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
  • Seek immediate medical care if symptoms become more severe, e.g., high fever or difficulty breathing.

I appreciate your partnerships and support during this time. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jude Noyes


Estimadas familias y personal de Clifford:

Tal como lo dijo anoche el Superintendente Baker, a partir de hoy, 10 de marzo de 2020, en las próximas cuatro semanas se han cancelado todas las actividades y reuniones que no son indispensables para la enseñanza. El Superintendente Baker se reunió ayer con su gabinete y han tomado esta decisión para evitar contagios y ayudar a que todos nuestros estudiantes estén sanos. Esta decisión viene a partir de las recomendaciones que el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de San Mateo hizo la semana pasada.

Actividades no indispensables significa: donde haya más de 20 personas que tengan que convivir de cerca, así como las actividades dentro y fuera del plantel organizadas por la escuela y por el distrito. Tampoco puede haber voluntarios en nuestras instalaciones durante las próximas cuatro semanas.

Debido a que la Noche Familiar de Baile y Ciencia es una actividades no indispensable me temo que tendrán que ser cancelada. Sin embargo, la excursión de educación al aire libre de quinto grado (Outdoor Ed) sí se hará.

Aquí está la lista de actividades canceladas/no permitidas en Clifford para las próximas 4 semanas:

  • Conferencias de padres / maestros en persona (se realizarán por teléfono)
  • Asambleas
  • Café de los Viernes y PTO
  • Noche de la ciencia
  • Baile familiar
  • Festivales
  • Paseos escolares
  • Eventos de recaudación de fondos como subastas
  • Reuniones con personas de todo el distrito escolar.
  • Excursiones nocturnas (con la excepción de Educación al aire libre y ambiental. 5to grado)
  • PTO y reuniones familiares
  • Comidas o cualquier reunión que involucre alimentos o bebidas.
  • Actuaciones escolares
  • Tutoría de Healthy Cities
  • Proyecto Cornerstone
  • Art in Action
  • Todos los voluntarios, incluidos los padres voluntarios, no deben estar en el plantel durante las próximas cuatro semanas.
  • No hay recorridos por la escuela
  • Conferencias de aprendizaje profesional que requieren que los empleados viajen
  • Entrenamientos SEAL

Programas que sí continúan en este momento:

  • Las reuniones del IEP / 504 / y SST pueden continuar
  • Cuidado antes y después NKC- Protocolo a seguir *
  • Programas de enriquecimiento después de la escuela: se debe seguir el protocolo *
  • ELAC / SSC puede continuar con menos de 20 personas en asistencia
  • Reuniones de la mesa Directiva
  • Reuniones de personal
  • Clases de intervención en grupos pequeños de lectura / matemáticas con maestros
  • Planificación de reuniones

* Protocolos escolares para guarderías NKC / Enriquecimiento y operaciones durante el día escolar:

    • Alentaremos a los estudiantes a comer al aire libre
    • Los estudiantes deben lavarse las manos:

Antes y después del desayuno y almuerzo.

  • Antes y después del recreo
  • Antes y después de visitar la biblioteca.
  • Cada vez que vienen de afuera


  • Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo.
  • Permanezca en casa hasta que la fiebre haya desaparecido durante al menos 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos antifebriles.
  • Busque atención médica inmediata si los síntomas se vuelven más severos, por ejemplo, fiebre alta o dificultad para respirar.

Agradezco su colaboración y apoyo durante este tiempo. Por favor hágame saber si tiene preguntas.

Jude Noyes