
The Clifford School PTO provides many of the “extras” in your child’s education such as PE, Music, Art in Action, and field trips, along with fun social activities. The PTO is asking your family to donate time this school year in one of the roles below.

Please complete our volunteer form!

Note: In order to volunteer on site during the school day, you must be an approved volunteer through the district. Please check the RCSD volunteer requirements and applications.

School Site Volunteering

  • Classroom Volunteer: With increased class sizes, our teachers really need a helping hand. Tasks will vary depending on the needs of your teacher.

  • Room representative: coordinate parties/events with teacher, organize volunteers and communicate information between Parents Club and classroom parents.


  • Art in Action: This program utilizes parents to teach guided art lessons to classes. The students love AIA and your child will light up when you are instructing in his/her class.

  • Staff Appreciation: Helping the Staff Appreciation committee to plan special meals and “goodies” for teachers.

  • Project Cornerstone: This program helps you get into the classroom and lead amazing conversations about social emotional learning.

  • Other Programs: School garden cleanups, the school play (with the San Carlos Children’s Theater or other organization), community events, and 8th Grade Graduation events.


  • Move-a-thon: This popular event needs people to cheer on the children, hand out water, and set up/clean up.

  • Events: Would you like to help with fundraisers throughout the year?

  • Corporate Gifts: Research and identify corporate matching programs, get business sponsorships.